Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

just a little sound of my heart

1 week in the twelve science b..
i felt,s good..but, just fact, i felt intimidated.
my heart lost in eleven science b, awesome moment, great joke, funny guys, delightful teacher..
i have said that this is a new beginning..and i won't regret..
so , i didn't regret it..but, i always remember how we played together, laughed together, ate togheter and teased someone..tres bien.
now, all turned down..i lost some of my friend(S), nyoto and deryl. i'm still lucky because gaby and mariska still with me..albert too.
for now, i hope i can pass all of this thing, find a good college, be a succes person..

at last i know my target...
i saw many people sucked by their pain, and i can't do anything..
i don't want to be a superman ( honestly, i want ! ), i just hope i can help them, move their pain..
maybe give them a better ?
i want to be a succes entepreneur, which can make many job field..and help people..cause i can't help people if i don't have something to, i start to take up my life, and than, the others life. and the other reason, that's good if we laugh together, share happines together, because there's no pain between us, isn't it ?
and the BIG reason is.. i want lamborghini, masserati, porsche, ferarri, and the others stuck in my hm, not bad lha^^

8 komentar:

Mike a.k.a Incridible anak saleh mengatakan...

okelah,namun sayang sekali kemampuan lu ga diberdayakan..Hahaha
Merasa kehilangan gw ya?wkwkwk

kha.nay.o mengatakan...

beruntung lo nyoo. merasa dihilangkan . kalo gua yang ngilang pasti pada ga nyariin. hahhaa.

Ajijah! sejak kapan lo ngepost pake bahasa planet terus?! haha.

Gaby in Wonderland mengatakan...

ntar kalo udh sukses, kita reunian ber4 yaa...
balik ke strabucks lg...
tempat yg mengumpulkan kita ber4 sebelum terpisahkan...
huhuhuhu... aauuuuu...

I V A N mengatakan...

hm hm hm..

Mike a.k.a Incridible anak saleh mengatakan...

ika:sapa blg ga ada yang nyariin,gw nyariin kok,kan ga ada lu gw gada temen maen xoxo dan bertanya..Hahaha

Yoi dah,tar reuniannya ajijah traktis ngebucks lagi ya?Hahaha

Gaby in Wonderland mengatakan...

yoii dah...
tp awas aja kalo ajijah bikin gw muntah lg..
gak bakal gw maafkan...

Mike a.k.a Incridible anak saleh mengatakan...

woh tenang aja tar kan kalo muntah dikasih iPhone 3G beneran ma ajijah,kan die ud berhasil nanti!Hahaha

Gaby in Wonderland mengatakan...

iphone 4G yee jah...
soalnya ntar 3G dah gak jamin lg d kayaknya..

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